Is your hot water looking cloudy and you need a solution? Learn how to fix it now! Discover the secrets to clear hot water. Continue reading to find out more.
Are you facing this issue whenever you open the top for the shower or for washing dishes? This issue might irritate you and you want to get rid of it as soon as possible.
You might also be worried that whether this cloudy water is safe for your health or not?
This guide will cover all your questions regarding cloudy water and how you can fix this issue easily at home. We will go through each step in order to make things clear for you.
Let’s get started.
Cloudy Hot Water Causes
If you are noticing milky water from tap whenever you open the tap for dishwashing or some other purpose then don’t worry.
This is because it doesn’t provide harm to health and can occur due to small reasons. Air bubbles might be the reason for cloudy water.
In the cold water, various gases are dissolved and when we warm it with a heater then it usually becomes under pressure.
As the water is in the sealed plumbing system so the air can’t escape due to which the water starts making bubbles resulting in cloudy water.
When we open the tap the air starts releasing in the form of cloudy water. After some time you notice that crystal clear water is coming from the tap once the air has been released.
Hence, you do not need to worry if you are facing cloudy water issues whenever you open the tap.
Tough cloudy hot water is a common issue that people often face but you can also face the same problem in cold water but it is not common.
You might have noticed that chilled water or ice is also cloudy so cold water also expands.
Is Cloudy Water Safe to Drink?
Unfortunately, the answer is yes and no as well. If the cloudy water is due to air bubbles and after some time the water in a glass becomes crystal clear then it means that it is completely safe to drink.
You can also give that water to your kids as well because there is nothing to worry about.
However, even after some time the water is still milky then the issue is something else for which you might need to call a plumber.
Sometimes the issue of cloudy water is more than just air bubbles. So what should be done in such a case? let’s talk about it below.
How to Fix Cloudy Tap Water?
If you are noticing that milky water is not only because of air bubbles then it’s time to examine it in detail to avoid any health issues.
Let’s have a look at some issues and their solution that might be causing this problem.
Step 1. Blocked Aerator
An aerator is a small attachment that is usually inserted at the end of the tap. They are mainly used in kitchen or bathroom faucets.
This attachment has various purposes including controlling the scream. Sometimes the cloudy water issue can be occurred due to a blocked aerator.
When the aerator is blocked then the air pressure will increase resulting in cloudy tap water. In such a situation, it is better to thoroughly clean this attachment in order to get rid of the blockage.
For cleaning purposes, uninstall the aerator and put it in 1 pot of water and 1 pot of vinegar,
Leave the aerator overnight so that it is cleaned thoroughly. The next morning reinstall it and the blockage issue will be fixed.
However, this solution is temporary as the blockage will occur again. On the other hand, if you replace it with a new piece then it will be a long-term solution.
I would suggest you ask a plumber so that he can figure out the root cause of this issue.
Step 2. Hot Tap Water Heater
If the aerator is free from any blockage then the issue might be in a water heater.
If your cold water is also cloudy or your cloudy water is discolored then the problem might be in the water heater and it needs to be fixed asap.
Sometimes the sediment builds up in the water heater resulting in this issue. It is better to ask a plumber so that he can thoroughly examine and guide you with the right method.
It is important to go through the root cause of the issue so that it never happens again. He can better guide you because of his knowledge and expertise.
Step 3. Water Supplier Issue
If the above-mentioned problems are clear then the last issue that might be causing this cloudy water problem is the water supplier.
If there was any work happening near your residence then the chances are they might have switched off the water mains due to which the new water system has entered.
During this process, the air might have entered the water system resulting in air bubbles. If this is the issue then wait for some days as it will be resolved on its own.
After some weeks if the issue is still there then call a plumber and he will guide you to the actual problem.
These are the common issues that usually cause cloudy water problems. Once you resolve them, you will never face them again.
FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions
Still doubtful regarding cloudy water from tap or foggy water? these commonly asked questions will cover all your doubts.
How Do I Fix Cloudy Hot Tap Water?
There are numerous ways to fix this issue but before that, you have to figure out the real reason for this problem. Usually, it is due to air bubbles that are released once the tap is on.
If the problem is due to this reason, it will resolve after some time. However, if the problem is big, better call a plumber so that he can thoroughly examine it.
Why Is only My Hot Water Cloudy?
This issue can occur in cold water as well but it is not common. It is commonly found in hot water due to the different reasons mentioned above. Bubbles in tap water are a common reason for this problem.
Is Cloudy Hot Water Safe?
It is safe if the issue is due to air bubbles. When you add water to a glass and it becomes crystal clear after some time then it is purely safe to drink.
However, if the water is still milky even after waiting for some time, do not drink it because it has some other issue.
Why Does My Hot Water Look White and Cloudy?
When pressure is released after opening the tap then the water is usually white and milky.
However, if it kept coming cloudy and milky then the issue is something else and needs to be fixed by calling a plumber.
Why Is My Hot Water Dirty Looking?
It can be due to various minerals and rust in the water mains that need to be thoroughly cleaned for clear water.
Other than that, it can be due to damaged water pipes that should be repaired for clear water. It is better to know the actual cause of the issue before taking any step.
Can You Shower in Cloudy Water?
If the cloudy water is only due to air bubbles, you can shower but if the issue is something else, it is better to get it fixed first.
Final Thoughts
I hope you finally got the answer to why your hot water cloudy. It is a common issue that can be fixed with little research and examination.
In this guide, I have mentioned the issues along with the solution for your better understanding. I hope this guide will help you figure out the issue in the future.
Take notes and follow the guide if you face the same problem ever.
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