Do you ever try to serve your own well? If you haven’t tried or failed, check out our methods of water well maintenance which will help you sustain your water.
The municipal authorities of your area usually control the well water system, and if you have a private water well resource, you will assuredly take assistance from a professional.
It is quite easy to maintain this underground water and is a DIY project. Read on to know how you can care for your water well like a pro.
Maintaining Your Water Well – Fast Tips
- Check the level of water regularly with a toolkit for accurate results.
- Test the flow of water for the accurate working of the pressure tank.
- Inspect the color and taste of water instantly after turning on the faucets.
- You can monitor the water flow at pressure control switches for any leakage issue.
- Discourage the bacterial growth in your water well.
- Never use any hazardous chemical in water.
- Update the logbook regularly for water well maintenance.
- Get professional help for your water well on annual basis.
How Does a Well Water System Work?
Water well is the untreated underground water stored in aquifers, which are simply the layers of rock beneath the ground.
To access the water from the rocky layer you should drill approximately 1000feet beneath the ground. Install and insert the pipe casing in ground with covering of concrete or sealant surroundings to protect it against contaminants.
The water travels from the casing through the well pump, where the water well system gets place above the ground.
The water then gets distributed to your house’s faucets through a pipe connected between well casing and the pressure tank.
What Does Well Water Contain?
Water from the well is mostly hard containing certain minerals, including calcium and magnesium. Water that contains minerals is useful; however, too much mineral can create several different build-ups in the heating and pipe system, leading to costly repairs.
Furthermore, water coming from the well contains some sources of contaminants that are unhealthy depending on the area you are living.
Therefore, therefore, you should maintain and check the water well system by at least every 6-12 months by licensed technical and professionals to make sure there is no contaminant present in the water well system.
Further, we will be explaining different ways to keep the water well system maintained properly
Ways to Keep Your Water Well System Maintained
Following are the ways to keep your water well system maintained like a pro:
Checking the Level of Water
Keeping regular checks of the water levels can give you clear picture of amount of water you are currently using.
To check the water level is not an easy task, but it’s tricky, so there are certain toolkits to do it yourself, or else you can just hire a professional to check the water level and make sure it is in proper flow.
Testing the Pressure Tank Performance
The pressure tank requires much power and work to pump the water into your house, so it is important to test pressure tanks performance if any issues are occurring related to the flow of water.
There can be several issues regarding the tank’s pressure that could lead to low water pressure. Like the rupture of bladders in the tank as the repairing and new can be a bit costly, so a regular or periodic check on these things is a must to keep in mind.
Paying Attention to Any Color or Taste Change
There can be an instant change in the color of water whenever you turn the faucets of your home on. Similarly, if you feel that the taste of water is not normal or different than the usual, then definitely there could be something wrong with the filters or the well water system.
But for any of the above issues occurring, you must call out for a licensed professional to resolve all the issues as soon as possible and could prevent from causing any health problems.
Inspecting the Pressure Control Switches
The control switch is design and built to turn on and off at a certain psi; in case the psi gets higher, control switches are to be turn off to prevent the irregular flow of water.
But if there is any irregular flow, the issue must be related to the filter clogging. So you should keep an eye on both the filter and the control switch. If the problem persists related to the filter, then there is no issue related to the control switch; consider replacing or removing the filter.
Checking for Bacteria Growth
Due to the poor construction of the well, bacteria could build up in the water well system.. Also, another reason could be with the surroundings of the soil for the contamination of the water.
Keeping Hazardous Chemicals Away from the Well
To ensure that the hazardous chemicals are kept away from the well, you must consider that the well is to be placed away from the waste chemicals.
If any of the mentioned or even some other waste and chemicals are present in the surroundings, it could lead to bacteria build-up and eventually damage and contaminate the water for further use.
Keeping a Proper Update and Maintenance Record
Better to keep records in a logbook or a file for proper updates of the water well maintenance system. So that whenever you feel a little change in the water flow, you check accordingly the logbook for further maintenance.
Checking of the Well by Professionals Annually
With the water well system connected in your house, getting professional help annually is a must to check for problems.
Or if any issue causes in the future, you won’t mind the smaller fee of professionals for better peace of mind and overall to get a fully active and healthy water supply at your house. You must constantly need to check the cap to look for whether the lid is damage or needs repairing.
As with the broken or damaged cap of the water well, there is a higher risk of rodents, insects, and other unwanted debris entering into the well which will later create a full mess plus contaminate the water.
FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions
How Do You Maintain Well Water?
You can maintain the water of your well with a routine cleaning schedule. Moreover, you need to keep any type of paint, fertilizer, or some kind of hazardous chemicals away from the water well.
How Often Should a Well Be Serviced?
If you want to take regular drinking water from your well, then you should service your well every year. You can also consider a thorough cleaning session if you notice any change in the water’s appearance, odor, or taste.
Does Well Water Need Maintenance?
Every water well requires regular care and maintenance. You can ensure the safety and cleanliness of the water in any well only with routine cleaning. It is necessary to make a proper schedule for this task as well, along with your other DIY cleaning jobs.
Should I Put Bleach in My Well?
You can use any generic brand like Clorox or Purex to disinfect all the germs in your well. These cleaning products contain chlorine bleach, killing all the viruses from your well water.
How Can I Naturally Purify My Well Water?
The easiest way to kill the viruses and other bacteria in well water is to boil it. To remove all the bugs, you should heat this water format to a full swirling boil. This boiled water is absolutely clean to use or drink for anyone.
The Bottom Line
So, if you think that the water pressure and flow of your house are starting to have issues or even if you feel that the water has begun to have a different taste and smell than the usual,
You must consider contacting the professional to seek help or furthermore if you want to check out for a reason first then surely do have a look at this article to know more about the reasons that could be for the irregular water flow and similarly for other cases as well.
We hope that by reading this article you will surely gain all the relevant information required to know on how to properly and adequately maintain the water well system of the house.
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