Would you like to learn how to remove laminate flooring without causing any damage to it?
If your laminate floors have become damaged or you want to replace them with a new one, you have to safely remove them without breaking the subfloor.
If you do not want to hire a professional and want to complete it as a DIY project, this article will fully help you out.
Removing laminate flooring requires some time and little effort. Moreover, you should have all the tools needed in the process.
The amount of effort you need to put in also depends on the type of laminate flooring. Let’s begin the guide on how you can remove laminate floors like a pro and discuss each point in detail.
Types of Laminate Flooring
Laminate floors have been a popular choice for homeowners for a long time. The material is durable and easily lasts for at least 15 to 20 years if taken care of properly.
Unfortunately, laminate floors are easy to be faded or scratched. Hence, you need to replace them after some time.
However, before deciding to remove the laminate floors you should know what type of laminate floor has been installed and how to remove it carefully.
It will help you perform the task easily without any difficulty.
Floating Laminate
Floating laminate that is also known as snap together laminate is a process when the floor is not attached or glued to the subfloor. It is the next level type where the floor floats on the top.
The planks of this type of floor are designed in a way that they are attached without using any glue.
You can reuse laminate flooring of this type but you should be careful while removing it without hurting the subfloor.
However, this type of floor should be used with extra care because you can reuse them anytime. The planks should not be chipped if you are going to re-use them.
Glued Laminate
As the name defines, this type of laminate floor is attached to the subfloor with the help of glue.
There was a time when this type of laminate flooring was quite popular as it is the first generation laminate.
However, now people do not prefer this type anymore. They can not be reused so you can remove them effortlessly.
Laminate Flooring Removal Tools
You need the right kind of tool to perform this work with each and accuracy. Hence, the tools required for this purpose include:
- A claw hammer
- A pinch bar
- Safety goggles
- A chisel
- Protective gloves
Gloves and goggles are important for your safety and in order to avoid any mishap or accident. As you are not a professional so you should be cautious about your protection and safety.
How to Remove Laminate Flooring – A Guide
Let’s begin the guide by defining some easy-to-follow steps that will surely help you to remove laminate flooring.
Step 1. Wear Safety Equipment
It is important to wear heavy gloves and safety goggles before starting working because the sharp edges of laminate planks might harm you.
During the entire work, it is better not to pull out any safety tool because your health protection comes first. Once you have fully covered yourself against any mishap, begin working.
Step 2. Remove the Baseboards
Make sure that you have removed every possible object from the room so that it doesn’t become a hurdle while removing.
Now begin with the baseboard with the help of a utility knife that will help you cut the edges.
Now use prying tools in a way that doesn’t provide any harm to the drywall. Your drywall should be safe and secure during the entire process.
With the help of a drywall knife, slide a 6-inch wide mark between the baseboard and the wall. Now use a flat bar and insert it between the board and a knife.
During the prying process, the drywall knife will protect the wall from scratches or damage. Now once the baseboard is detached, you have to get rid of nails as well with the help of a side cutter.
You can also use a hammer for this purpose. It is how you have to remove the entire baseboard from the room.
Step 3. Remove Transition Strips
The next step is to get rid of all the transition strips that can be available anywhere including the doors.
They are usually used to cover the seams and are used to attach 2 flooring types that are of similar height. It is easy to break transition strips so do it gently because you have to reuse them as well.
Step 4. Start Removing Laminate Floors
If your floor has glued laminate then it will give you a tough time removing the floor. However, with the help of a heat gun, you can melt the glue that is used under the floor.
It is how it will be easy for you to remove the laminate floor. You have to repeat the process until all the planks in the room have been detached.
When the first row is detached it will be easy for you to remove other planks as well. With the help of a chisel, lift all the additional planks from the surface and keep repeating the process until all planks are done.
Step 5. Vacuum the Floor
Now you are done with the laminate floor removal, you have to clean the entire surface before installing the new laminate floors. Use a store vacuum or sweep to lift up all the tiny dust particles.
Cost to Remove Laminate Flooring
If you are not willing to perform this work at home yourself, you can also go for a professional who will do this job in a better way and by taking the least possible time.
Talking about the average cost per square foot, you have to pay approximately $0.25-$0.50. However, the price also depends on the professional skills.
If he is truly capable and professional, he might charge more for this work. So, the total amount spent on this work will depend on the room size.
The bigger the room, the more planks will need to be removed and the more time it will take to complete the work.
FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions
Let’s point out some important questions frequently asked by people regarding removing laminate flooring.
Is Laminate Flooring Hard to Remove?
Removing the laminate floor is quite an easy and straightforward task and can be done quickly if you have used the floating floor method instead of glued laminate type.
The above-mentioned points will also help you in this regard.
What Tools Do You Need to Remove Laminate Flooring?
You need various tools for this purpose including a hammer, chisel, laminate floor cutter, hot knife foam cutter, safety goggles, knee pad, a pinch bar, and some more tools.
If you have the right kind of tools, it will be easy for you to complete the work.
How Do You Remove Glued Laminate Flooring?
It is difficult to remove the glued laminate floors as compared to the floating floor. To melt the glue, use a heat gun and the glue will start melting resulting in the floor removal.
In order to remove each plank, use a heat gun and continue the method unless and until all planks are removed.
How Do You Remove Laminate Flooring without Damage?
You need to be extra careful so that your laminate floors won’t be damaged or cracked. This guide is all about removing the floors without breaking them. Get your hands on proper tools and the rest will be easy for you.
How Much Does It Cost to Remove Laminate Flooring?
As mentioned above, the average cost per square foot is $0.25-$0.50. However, the price may vary depending on the professional.
The total cost depends on the size of the room. That’s why many people prefer to do it as a DIY project because it is easy and straightforward.
Final Words
If you have been searching for ways how to Remove Laminate Flooring Without Breaking It, your search will end here.
I have tried my best to explain it in the easiest way possible so that you can complete the task even as a beginner. Do not forget to get access to all the tools and equipment so that you won’t face any difficulty.
The other points are well explained from where you can take guidance. I hope this article will accommodate you in removing the laminate floors in the future.
Save the cost of hiring professionals and do this task yourself.
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