Are you worried about the excessive pee surprises from your pets and toddlers, especially on your expensive upholstery or couch? At some point, you have to learn a DIY method to get pee out of a sofa.
Whether you see this stain dried up or suddenly notice your dog peeing on your lovely sofa, you have to react to this situation immediately to save your couch from further damage.
Luckily, you are on the right page! Here you will get the coolest ways to remove these stains and their unpleasant scent from your couch surface with minimal effort.
How to Remove Urine Stains from a Couch?
- Vinegar is a great deodorant item to get pee and urine out of your sofa.
- The classic soaking method works well in most cases to eliminate dog pee.
- The Enzyme Cleaner is a tough cleaning solution to remove pet pee and urine from any surface.
- The cheapest way to remove your pet stains is to use a large quantity of salt.
- The mixture of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide eliminates these stains and sanitizes your environment by removing its unpleasant scent.
- You can get rid of this ugly stuff with a steam cleaner.
- Leave your pet mess to dry up, and then wash it with soapy water to eliminate it from your sofa.
Removing the Pee Out of a Couch – 7 Simple Methods
The wet pee stains mostly spread on the whole couch cushion, and its germs and odor are saturated in the environment as well. Getting this pee out of the couch is essential for the atmosphere of your living space.
These stains will get worse with time and sometimes become impossible to clean dog pee from the sofa. So, it is better to treat them immediately and by using the right method.
Here you will get seven DIY ways to clean pee from the couch effectively:
The Water-Based Vinegar Solution
This natural deodorant works well to get dog pee out of the couch. This technique also gives you the luxury of getting urine off any surface.
Here you have the option to apply the water-based vinegar solution directly with a microfiber cloth or spray it on your sofa. It will provide outstanding results in cleaning urine from the couch.
You can also break this horrible urine smell from the surface and proficiently remove all the spots of this mess.
The Soaking Process
You can soak up the urine to get urine out of the couch or clean cat pee from the sofa with any softer sponge. All such messes can be saturated with soapy water or any dishwashing detergent.
If you are looking to get cat urine out of the couch, you may need more force to soak this softer surface.
This process can only neutralize your sofa and not ever sanitize your living atmosphere. If you suddenly see the dog pee, then you can only soak it if you instantly react to it.
Enzyme Cleaner
The enzyme cleaner is specifically designed for cleaning upholstery and similar fabrics. This method is a bit expensive because of the higher prices of this cleaner but will successfully get human pee out of the microfiber couch.
If you have tiny feet or pets in your home, you must bring a high-quality enzyme cleaner and apply it directly with a microfiber cloth to clean urine or pee from any surface.
The chemical reaction of this cleaning solution will clean all the greasy stains from the couch and stops its vapors from saturating the environment. So, this cleaner will sanitize your living atmosphere to some extent.
Use Salt for Cleaning
The most economical way to clean pee off the couch can be done with the ingredients that must already be placed in your kitchen. The salt offers to clean microfiber, velvet, and velour soft surfaces and remove all the tougher stains from the sofa.
You need a good amount of salt on the stained areas and give it time to soak the urine and clean pee out of couch cushions. This natural ingredient will never harm your couch surface and will help you quickly dry up your pets’ sticky stains.
Combination of Baking Soda and Hydrogen Peroxide
You can clean all types of stains by putting some quantity of baking soda on the couch, but mixing it with hydrogen peroxide will make the tougher cleaning solution to get dried urine out of the couch cushion.
Baking soda works well to clean a carpet as well. This solution is operative on both pet and human urines. You can also remove the urine smell from the couch and improve the airflow of your living room within 30 minutes.
You must dilute these ingredients in fresh water and spray the infected area with this solution. It’s a great idea to cover this stain with this solution manually; you will quickly see the magic, and this topical solution cleans pee from the couch without any doubt.
Steam Cleaning
If you have a steam cleaner equipped with additional attachments, you can use the right gears to heat this mess to clean urine and other ugly stuff. You can test your steam cleaner on a smaller part of the stain and check the results.
Once satisfied with the improved cleaning results, you can get the entire dog pee out of the couch in a single go. This machine is an expensive gadget but works well on these explicit types of cleanings.
Drying the Couch
Another alternative cleaning method is leaving the sofa after seeing this misconduct from your pet or child. Instead of getting annoyed with the situation, you can leave it to dry or even put it in the direct sunlight for a quick dry process.
Once it is completely dried up, you can scrape it or remove it with soapy water to get the cat pee out of the couch. This method might look awkward but works perfectly in most cases.
Getting Rid of Pee Smell from Couch
Another major concern of homeowners is how to get the pee smell out of the couch. Most of the above-mentioned cleaning methods will successfully remove your pet’s stains, but the unpleasant scent of these messes is a big challenge.
You have to treat these types of stains very carefully, especially from the softer fabrics of your sofa. There are plenty of harsh chemical products that will eliminate the smell from any surface but might ruin the beauty of your expensive couch.
So, you have to think wisely and get the urine smell out of the sofa with the cleaning product.
When moisturizing your couch surface, you must be very careful with the amount of water; once the moisture sits inside your sofa, it will be very difficult to eliminate it from the surface.
Why is Urine So Tough to Eliminate from Any Surface?
The urine is a hard stain to clean because uric acid is present on most of the urines. Some invisible crystals in uric acid can sit in any softer fabric. So, reaching out to these particles is tough as you can’t see them.
Moreover, these crystal elements will reinvoke or reactivate at a high temperature, creating an ugly odor again. It is difficult to target these crystal particles.
If not tackled properly, can cause serious damage to softer fabrics. Therefore, it is important to tackle these ugly stains immediately as noticed.
FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions
How Do You Get the Kid’s Urine Smell Out of the Couch?
You can make a solution of 1:3 parts of vinegar and fresh water. Put this cleaning solution in a spray bottle and apply it to the stained area. You can also scrub it with any softer sponge to eliminate the kid’s urine smell from your couch.
How to Get the Dog Urine Smell Out of the Couch?
A perfect solution to get dog urine out of the couch is made by mixing baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. It will remove the dirty stain and its smell from your couch surface.
How Do You Get the Urine Smell Out of the Couch After it Has Dried?
If the urine stain is dried, you must use the enzyme cleaner to eliminate it from its root effectively.
How Do You Get Rid of the Human Urine Smell?
You must make a powerful combination of baking soda and dishwashing detergent in greater quantity to remove the human urine smell from the carpet or any other surface.
The Bottom Line
The easiest way to handle these ugly stains is to react quickly to all such accidents as it happens. The particles of these messes will instantly hide in the fabric of your carpet.
One can pee out of a couch with any commercial product or homemade DIY cleaning solution.
You will get the seven simplest ways to effectively remove these stains and kill the unpleasant scent from your couch. You can also take assistance or consult any professional to take more care of your couch.
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